

多伦多, Sept 30 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 面向全球领先新闻媒体集团的数字出版解决方案开发商Eidosmedia《环球邮报》开发的人工智能驱动型自动化、优化与预测平台Sophi.io合作,为Eidosmedia客户提供无缝印刷排版自动化服务。


Eidosmedia销售与合作伙伴计划总监Marco Cetola表示:“印刷页面布局的复杂性迄今为止一直阻碍着轻松实现快速发布在线格式内容的自动化。对于我们的客户,特别是大型区域集团和国家出版社而言,印刷业务仍然是他们的主要营收来源。在这个重要出版渠道,缩短制作时间和降低成本的方法引起了人们的极大兴趣。”


Marco表示:“我们获得了非常出色的效率提升成绩,对于那些页面设计操作通常需要争分夺秒来完成的日常出版物尤为突出。” 实际上,一份32页典型印刷版本可在几分钟内完成分页,而手工操作则需要耗时数小时。

由Sophi驱动的印刷自动化不同于其他印刷生产解决方案,因为它完全不需要使用模板。 Sophi驱动印刷自动化运用智能AI引擎,确保出版商的印刷页面在外观和感官上如同经验丰富的编辑和页面设计师亲制般逼真。每张页面均根据各个品牌的设计词汇重新设计。最终产品则是一份可供印刷的PDF或InDesign文件,可在几分钟内完成打印。

这项新技术的受益者是页面设计者本身。一段时间以来,由于出版商试图削减成本,页面设计者一直面临着提高生产效率的压力。 随着页面工作量日趋繁重,而相应劳动力日益减少,设计者需在紧迫时间内完成相关工作。自动化引擎将承担常规性工作,解放设计者的双手,使他们能够有精力、有时间从事首页、功能和特殊布局相关工作,这些方面是设计者的创造力可以切实增加价值的用武之地。


Sophi.io副总裁Gabe Gonda表示:“Sophi很高兴能够与Eidosmedia建立合作伙伴关系,通过Méthode平台提供我们的印刷自动化技术。Eidosmedia是一流的CMS供应商,深谙客户不断变化的各项需求。这项合作关系将有助于为世界上一些最佳报纸出版商提供独特的高价值解决方案。”



关于Sophi Inc.

Sophi.io(https://www.sophi.io)由《环球邮报》开发,帮助内容出版商作出重要的战略和战术决策。它是一套由人工智能和机器学习驱动的自动化、优化与预测解决方案,包括Sophi Site Automation、Sophi for Paywalls和Sophi for First Party Data。Sophi还为无模板印刷出版的自动排版提供一键式支持。Sophi旨在改进对客户业务最为重要的指标。


Marco Cetola
Eidosmedia SpA

Jamie Rubenovitch
Sophi Inc.

SOURCE: Sophi.io



KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 28 (Bernama) — Internet Initiative Japan Inc (IIJ), one of Japan’s leading Internet-access and comprehensive network solutions providers, has announced the addition of a new remote browser isolation function, “Browser Isolation”, to its zero-trust network access (ZTNA) service, “Safous”, which is mainly available for users in the U.S. and Asia, starting Sept 28.

According to a statement, the Safous platform is a zero-trust remote access service that provides application-level control over corporate applications and external “software as a service” (SaaS) access from a remote environment.

This optional Browser Isolation function is Safous’ proprietary, sandbox-based virtual browser that allows users to access applications and SaaS virtually, eliminating browser-based threats and providing more secure access.

“Kasm Technologies is honored to provide Kasm Workspaces remote browser isolation, our web-native secure remote access and DevOps-enabled container streaming technology, to Safous’ Browser Isolation function. Browser Isolation is an industry-leading, cost-effective, and secure browser-based remote access solution,” said Justin Travis, Co-founder and CEO of Kasm Technologies.

One of the benefits of utilising virtual browsers is that they defend corporate networks from risky websites. Browser Isolation provides a virtual browser that allows users to access business applications and external SaaS applications securely — even if their PCs are vulnerable.

This function also prohibits users from downloading and executing malicious files that come from email, eliminating the threat of intrusion through the Internet. Website content is streamed to user browsers, allowing them to access any web application safely.

Founded in 1992, IIJ is one of Japan’s leading Internet-access and comprehensive network solutions providers. IIJ and its group companies provide total network solutions that mainly cater to high-end corporate customers.

IIJ’s services include high-quality Internet connectivity services, system integration, cloud computing services, security services and mobile services.

Moreover, IIJ has built one of the largest Internet backbone networks in Japan that is connected to the United States, the United Kingdom and Asia.

For more information, visit https://www.iij.ad.jp/en/



Hyperion Research’s MarketView™ report spotlights Anaqua AQX’s ‘transformational’ integration capabilities and PATTSY WAVE’s ‘streamlined’ approach to docket management

BOSTON, Sept 28 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading global innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology provider, has again been recognized as a Market Leader and Highly Innovative in the newly published 2022 MarketViewTM Report on IP Management by Hyperion Research, the leading source for Legal Solutions Market Intelligence covering the IP Management market.

The report awards Anaqua’s AQX® Corporate and Law Firm IP management platforms Market Leader designations in the key areas of IP Business Management (IPBM)/IP Law Firm Management and Decision Support Analytics.

For both IP Business Management and IP Law Firm Management designations, Hyperion says AQX Corporate and AQX Law Firm set the standard today, by “providing a transformational set of capabilities for connecting an organization’s legal, operational and business (client) stakeholders to identify, address, mitigate and resolve the challenges of IP.”

Regarding AQX’s market leading Decision Support Analytics, Hyperion says of both platforms: “Anaqua delivers class-leading analytic capabilities for IP Management, integrating content and technology to provide a contextual framework that supports IP decision making.”

Hyperion also awards both AQX Corporate and AQX Law Firm the Highly Innovative designation for their Integration Platforms, noting that the May 2021 acquisition of SeeUnity (the leading provider of API-based enterprise content integration and migration products) “adds to an already robust technology architecture, enabling the delivery of data throughout the enterprise, a key IPBM capability.”

Representing a strong inaugural appearance in Hyperion’s list of Advanced Solutions for IP law firms, Anaqua’s PATTSY WAVE® is given a Market Leader designation for its Streamlined Docketing Efficiency, with the report saying: “PATTSY WAVE’s unique single screen approach to docket management delivers the access and efficiencies required by today’s docketing professionals.”

The report acknowledges all three platforms as Highly Innovative for their Customer Driven Roadmaps, which is evidence that Anaqua’s customer-focused DNA runs through all aspects of the business.

Eyal Iffergan, Hyperion Founder and Managing Director, Epiq Legal Business Advisory, commented: “Anaqua has catalyzed the IP Business Management operational model, delivering a solution suite that drives the strategic value of IP. Given the innovative, customer-driven approach applied to product development, it’s not surprising that Anaqua’s AQX platform provides a class-leading set of capabilities for integrating cross-functional stakeholders, including contextualized analytics for strategic decision-making.”

Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua, said: “To be recognized and commended by Hyperion is extremely gratifying. It is also a testament to Anaqua’s ongoing commitment to delivering leading end-to-end, corporate and law firm-focused IP management solutions to the market. We have continued to invest heavily in AQX Corporate in collaboration with our customers to add capabilities organically and through strategic acquisitions. This acknowledgment is also validation of our continued focus on the law firm market, including efforts to integrate and enhance PATTSY WAVE and extend AQX’s capabilities for law firm clients.”

To learn more about Anaqua’s products, download Hyperion Research’s VendorView Report™ for AQX CorporateAQX Law Firm or PATTSY WAVE.

About Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. is a premium provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX and PATTSY WAVE, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech-enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision-making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment’s need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua’s solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company’s global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia. For additional information, please visit anaqua.com, or on Anaqua’s LinkedIn.

About Hyperion Research

Hyperion Research, an Epiq company, is the industry’s leading source for Legal Solutions Market Intelligence. The profession’s leaders, innovators, and trend-makers rely on Hyperion as the premier provider of independent market research, analysis, and advisory services. Hyperion provides unparalleled insight into the leading trends in legal strategy, operations, and technology. Hyperion Research is an independent market research organization. Its research coverage of any vendor is based on their significance in the market; Hyperion Research does not accept any remuneration in exchange for participation in the MarketView Research program and reports. Hyperion Research maintains full editorial independence over all research reports, research findings and other analyst work product.

Company Contact:
Amanda Hollis
Director, Communications

SOURCE: Anaqua Inc



伦敦, Sept 28 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Henley & Partners发现,希望通过投资移民为子女提供优质国际教育机会的富裕家庭的咨询数量显著增加。新冠疫情后,常春藤盟校、牛津剑桥和其他顶尖大学的入学需求和竞争激增,这增加了对提供相关国家居留权公民身份获取途径的投资项目的兴趣,这些国家包括英国美国加拿大澳大利亚新西兰新加坡和几个拥有世界一流教育机构的欧洲国家

在最近的泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中,前1000所高等院校中有超过70%位于提供投资移民项目的国家,其中18%在美国,10%在英国。Henley & Partners首席执行官Juerg Steffen博士表示:对于考虑通过投资项目获得居住权和公民身份的投资者来说,尽可能为孩子提供最好的教育已经成为一项主要推动因素。“子女是我们最宝贵的资产,为他们提供最好的国际教育和大学选择是我们能够给予孩子的最好礼物,也是我们作为父母可以作出的最佳投资之一。我们预计2023年可能会出现有记录以来规模最大的百万富翁移民潮,超过12.5万名富裕投资者及其家人将会移民。我们新成立的Henley & Partners教育业务部门旨在为客户提供所需的所有支持和帮助,使他们能够在新的国家进入最好的教育机构。”



Henley & Partners教育服务集团负责人John Milne表示,该公司已在英国、北美、澳大利亚和欧洲建立了专业顾问网络,可以为全球客户提供着眼当地的专业、公正建议。“我们的新团队可提供学校安置和定制礼宾服务,如协助获得学生签证、语言课程、辅导、入学考试和儿童保育。团队还为6至16岁的儿童提供了一项独特的在线学术技能评估:Henley学业分析评估(Henley Academic Profiling Assessment),以提供儿童学术技能的简要报告。评估结果可以用来向未来的学校展示学生的表现,以及监测他们的学业进展,并找出可以改进之处。”


对于希望获得美国永久居民(“绿卡”)身份的人来说,EB-5投资移民项目是最有效的途径,需要投资80万美元。有意前往英国的企业家可考虑Tier 1创新者签证,这一签证的目标人群是能够证明相关商业经验,并拥有至少5万英镑投资基金的人士。如果青睐加拿大,创业签证计划可为寻求在该国建立业务的企业家和活跃投资者提供永久居留权。


Henley & Partners私人客户部门负责人Dominic Volek表示,希腊意大利葡萄牙西班牙等国提供的欧洲黄金签证项目对希望为子女在欧盟各地获得优质教育和就业机会的投资者也极具吸引力。“葡萄牙黄金居留许可计划是我们最受欢迎的居留计划,它提供了最快捷、最明确、且已得到证明的公民身份获取途径,当然,这要符合资格要求。作为欧盟公民,你的子女将和当地学生一样,有机会在任何欧盟国家的大学接受教育。马耳他也是一个有吸引力的选择,该国的规章规定了一条居留路径,可以通过直接投资的卓越服务而获得马耳他公民身份。”


关于Henley & Partners

Henley & Partners是投资获取居民和公民身份业务领域的全球领先机构。每年,数以百计的富裕人士及其顾问选择我们凭借在该领域的专业知识和经验提供的服务。公司高素质的专业人员团队在全球超过35个办事处协同工作。

“居留权和公民身份规划”的概念由Henley & Partners在20世纪90年代提出。随着全球化的扩大,居留权和公民身份已成为越来越多有着国际足迹的企业家和投资者非常关心的话题,我们每天都自豪地为他们服务。




Sarah Nicklin



手机:+27 72 464 8965



Virtual card transaction volumes to surpass 121 billion globally by 2027 – Juniper Research

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 28 (Bernama) — The number of virtual card transactions exceeds 121 billion globally by 2027; increasing from 28 billion in 2022, according toa new study from Juniper Research.

This represents growth of 340 per cent, according to a statement.

It predicts rising integration of virtual cards to existing digital wallets services, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, will drive this growth by exploiting existing substantial user bases of these digital wallets.

The research found the global number of virtual card transactions through mobile payment methods will grow from five billion in 2022 to 53 billion in 2027, as adoption of virtual cards in contactless payments accelerates.

It identified the inclusion of virtual cards as a key market driver of consumer adoption of contactless payments in rapidly developing economies, such as India. This allows them to meet market demand for convenient payment options during checkout amongst unbanked populations.

Virtual cards face tough competition from other payment methods, such as traditional contactless cards and QR codes. However, the report anticipates that thesecure nature of virtual cards will drive demand in an increasingly security-conscious market.

Additionally, the report forecasts that the US will account for US$71 billion in B2B virtual card revenue by 2027; representing 72 per cent of global revenue. (US$1 =RM4.614)

It predicts that the growing use of virtual cards in the healthcare sector will be key to driving this growth, with virtual cards increasingly used to pay for supplies and equipment due to the speed of transactions and inherent security of this payment method.

Juniper Research provides research and analytical services to the global hi-tech communications sector; providing consultancy, analyst reports, and industry commentary.



ROSEAU, Dominica, Sept 26 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The climate crisis is real. Several severe weather patterns are confirming this.

Take Pakistan, the scale of the recent deadly flooding in that country is staggering to say the least. Floods triggered by early monsoon rains began in June and remained intense throughout the season. A full one-third of Pakistan is underwater—an amount of land that exceeds the total area of the United Kingdom. More than 30 million people or 15 percent of the population have been affected – 1,200 people have lost their lives and half a million are homeless. 

After Hurricane Maria left an estimated 90 percent of buildings damaged or destroyed in Dominica in 2019, the small Caribbean Island of just 70,000 has been on a clear path to become the first climate-resilient nation by 2030.

According to Germanwatch’s 2021 Global Climate Risk Index – an Index that analyses to what extent countries and regions have been affected by impacts of weather-related loss event – Dominica ranked 11th out of 150 countries at risk based on an analysis of extreme weather events between 2000 and 2019. Two factors were cited for Dominica: the impact of global warming on rising sea levels that increase the risk of storm surges, and the increase in the strength of hurricanes. Dominica is at risk to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, floods and landslides, and hurricanes. 

The Prime Minister of Dominica, Dr Roosevelt Skerrit, has been an advocate and voice for sustainability, urging nations across the globe to implement serious and tangible measures to deal with global warming as they impact smaller nations more acutely.

He recently conveyed his condolences over material and human losses caused by the floods in Pakistan and again called upon the international community to stand together to act against climate change in order to mitigate its often-deadly consequences. He said, “Together, we must ensure a better future for our coming generations.”

Taking to Twitter he stated, “The Commonwealth of Dominica stands in solidarity with Pakistan at this time of crisis. Climate change is destroying the world, and it is now our time to take responsible actions.”

Dominica is leading the fight against climate change, and the government continues to invest in new projects and programmes to achieve their goal of resiliency and having the strength to fight back when catastrophic events occur.

This year marks five years since Dominica witnessed the deadliest Hurricane Maria.

Dominica’s objective to become resilient by 2030 needs around EC$4 billion to EC$5 billion in funding and around 40 percent of that funding could come from funds generated through the country’s citizenship by investment programme.

In response to the destruction caused by Hurricane Maria, Dominica launched a climate resilience policy framework to help guide its recovery journey in the form of the National Resilience Development Strategy 2030 (NRDS). The NRDS speaks to the overall policy framework of the government and summaries 43 resilience goals desired to assure that development is people centred.

The Climate Resilience and Recovery Plan of Dominica aims to build strong communities, build a robust economy, have a well-planned and durable infrastructure; strengthen institutional systems and, protect and sustain natural and other unique assets.

It centres around three pillars: structural resilience, financial resilience, and post-disaster resilience.

Pillar 1: Structural resilience:

Under this pillar, the government of Dominica strives to build a resilient infrastructure capable of withstanding natural disasters, including category five hurricanes. It includes the construction of climate-resilient homes, healthcare centres, roads, bridges, airports and schools.

The revolutionary “Housing Initiative” will deliver climate-resilient homes to the public, who were displaced as a result of Tropical Storm Erika and Hurricane Maria in 2015 and 2017, respectively. The government is aiming to construct more than 5 000 climate-resilient homes and has already handed over keys to about 1 500 families who were displaced by Hurricane Maria.

The construction of 40 climate-resilient homes in the Salybia constituency commenced in February 2022.

In July of this year, Dominica also launched the “Future Housing Programme” which provides reasonably priced homes to youth aged 45 or younger.

The World Bank Emergency Agriculture Livelihoods and Climate Resilience Project is a five-year projects worth US$25 million and it aims to restore agricultural livelihoods and enhance the climate resilience of farmers and fishers affected by Hurricane Maria.

The project will ensure:

  • Farmers adopt new technologies and climate-smart practices for increasing modification and climate resilience in the crop, livestock, and fishing sectors;
  • Reconstruction and climate proofing of key agriculture infrastructure.

Several bridges have been built and damaged roads have been rehabilitated with the inclusion of slope retention walls and expanded sections to increase capacity and facilitate the movement of larger construction machinery.

Pillar 2: Financial Resilience:

The government of Dominica is implementing institutional fiscal reform to ensure stronger fiscal resilience which will aid in the strengthening of debt sustainability utilising several key institutional fiscal areas.

Pillar 3: Post Disaster and Social Resilience

This pillar helps encourage farmers to plant more root crops which are more resilient to heavy rain and wind, increases farmer training programmes and government assistance with the provision of seeds and fertilizers. The government’s plan to strengthen food security, includes specific policies for the resiliency of the agriculture and fisheries industries.

During a time when larger and more developed countries have been holding talk-shops about finding accurate solutions to climate change, Dominica has emerged with concrete and efficient plans and strategies to mitigate the effects of these global issues.

Nandi Canning (PR Dominica) nandi.canning@csglobalpartners.com +27828215664

Source: Commonwealth of Dominica



LONDON, Sept 23 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Nearly seven out of 10 (67%) Europeans demand direct bank transfers as their most preferred method to be paid, indicating the growing need for businesses to provide fast and secure payments in consumers’ preferred payout methods.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220922005160/en/

That’s according to a new report released by Rapyd, the leading fintech-as-a-service partner, after conducting research to understand consumer choices, considerations and preferences in nine European countries; including data on how consumers prefer to pay and receive payments.

Rapyd’s European State of Disbursements report finds that access to, and interest in, financial technology apps is very high among consumers in the nine European markets surveyed. Europeans are embracing financial services apps for everything from banking, everyday spending and managing their investments. The findings show that 74% of European consumers use a mobile banking app, 50% use an eWallet app, 50% use a credit or debit card app, approximately one in six (16%) use an investment fund app and approximately one in eight (12%) use a personal financial management app.

Rapyd’s European eCommerce and Payment Methods report also indicates that Europeans increasingly rely on phones for payments, financial management and eCommerce. Over half (52%) of Europeans report purchasing clothes online via mobile over the past three months, compared to 46% via laptop. Furthermore, the overwhelming majority of Europeans who purchased takeaway over the last 3 months did so via mobile (70%) compared to laptop (28%).

Rapyd’s State of Disbursements report also noted that Europeans are early adopters of fintech, prioritizing data security and lower costs when receiving payments. Only 16% are hesitant or lagging in the adoption of fintech. The data shows that 82% rank keeping their personal information secure as the most important feature for payouts, and over 70% of respondents do not want to pay any transaction fees.

The report further analyzes and compares each market’s attitudes towards fintech adoption. Interestingly, Spain had the highest number of early adopters or consumers more likely to be open to new fintech solutions (27%), followed by Iceland (22%) and Germany (20%). On the other hand, Denmark (54%), France (47%) and the UK (44%) had the highest number of consumers who identified as the ‘late majority.’ The analysis notes that these consumers are less likely to explore new financial technology, instead preferring to use the same platforms as family and friends.

Over half of global online transfers are currently made with local or alternative payment methods. This, coupled with the rapid growth of marketplaces and gig economy models, is driving the need for new payout technology in Europe, notes the report.

Rapyd also notes that with the roll-out of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) continuing and the Nordics’ P27 payments initiative unfolding, real-time payments in Europe are here to stay, emphasizing the need to keep abreast of country-specific regulations. As such, the company is calling on businesses to ensure they have the infrastructure in place to guarantee reliable mass payouts driven by local preferences.

Commenting on the findings, Arik Shtilman, CEO of Rapyd, said:

“The companies that solve the technological challenges of disbursing funds in Europe will surge ahead of their competition. It’s critical that businesses responsible for online financial transactions have partners that can support them in delivering reliable payout and payment solutions, can keep on top of local regulations and can stay on top of consumer preferences. The businesses that invest in dynamic tech solutions to guarantee reliable mass payouts will no doubt enjoy stability and growth through better engagement, loyalty and beneficiary preference.

“Furthermore, given the growth of marketplaces and gig-economy platforms, working with partners that understand the evolving fintech space is key. Disbursing funds to a seller or worker is typically tied to individual sales on different platforms. This can be incredibly complex, as in many cases, the buyer, seller and platform provider are all in different locations. We recommend that businesses ensure local preferences are driving their payout strategy, with a particular focus on speed, security and choice, as these factors help drive greater use and adoption and build loyalty and trust.”

Rapyd’s 2022 European eCommerce and Payment Methods report and 2022 European State of Disbursements report are available here.

Notes to Editors:

Survey Methodology

Rapyd surveyed 4,286 adults (18+) in Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain and the United Kingdom online in March and April 2022. All respondents made an online purchase in the previous month and were nationally representative across age and income scale.

About Rapyd

Rapyd lets you build bold. Liberate global commerce with all the tools your business needs to create payment, payout and fintech experiences everywhere. From Fortune 500s to ambitious business and technology upstarts, our payments network and powerful fintech platform make it easy to pay suppliers and get paid by customers—locally or internationally.

With offices worldwide, including Tel Aviv, Dubai, London, Iceland, San Francisco, Miami and Singapore, we know what it takes to make cross-border commerce as easy as being next door. Rapyd simplifies payments so you can focus on building your business.

Get the tools to grow globally at www.rapyd.net. Follow: BlogInstaLinkedInTwitter.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220922005160/en/


UK media inquiries Tash Nikolovski / Rakhee Rathod rapyd@transatlanticent.com

Global media inquiries Lizzie Ryan press@rapyd.net

Source : Rapyd


Paris, France, Sept 26 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —    











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Source: Akwel



New Vizor camera platform brings together Teledyne’s vision expertise and customer knowledge in a new camera family

RICHMOND, British Columbia, Sept 23 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teledyne FLIR is pleased to announce the Vizor 5GigE area scan camera family for machine vision. Constructed on an all-new modern platform, Vizor is designed to provide the richest combination of advanced imaging features in the industry and is engineered to handle the most complex vision system challenges both now and into the future.

Available in Q4, the first models extend the Genie Nano 5GigE sensor offering by integrating 5 to 24 MP Sony Pregius Gen 4 Global Shutter CMOS sensors. In addition to supporting link speeds of 1, 2.5, and 5GigE, Vizor offers burst mode to capture images at speeds up to 10Gb/s into memory. This, combined with a 500 MB image buffer, allows engineers to rapidly capture information in bursts for high-speed applications. It’s Trigger-to-Image Reliability (T2IR) framework giving engineers tools to develop reliable and robust systems faster.

Designed to simplify OEM integration, the Vizor feature set includes PoE, strong thermal management, and opto-isolated triggering for streamlined peripherals and easier camera control. System engineers can replace current GigE Vision compliant cameras with Vizor cameras to upgrade their system performance without changing their application software. Additionally, Vizor cameras support both Teledyne Spinnaker and Sapera LT SDKs and GigE Vision compliant software packages. Vizor is ideal for high-speed applications in factory automation for electronics inspection, food processing, pharmaceuticals, and for sports analytics and virtual reality motion capture.

“Vizor is the first area scan camera family to harness the combined wealth of customer knowledge and technical expertise from Teledyne FLIR, Teledyne DALSA, and Teledyne Lumenera,” said Sadiq Panjwani, General Manager of Teledyne FLIR IIS. “It is designed from the ground up to empower systems engineers to quickly develop highly reliable and competitive products.”

Like all Teledyne FLIR machine vision cameras, Vizor features a compact form factor for easy integration, all-metal body with 3-year warranty, and both rich online resources, and access to our world-class technical support team.

The new VIZOR area scan platform will be featured at the upcoming Vision show in Stuttgart and the week following at the Vision Show in Boston.

For more information about the Vizor 5GigE camera family, visit the webpage.

About Teledyne

Teledyne’s Vision Solutions group form an unrivaled collective of imaging expertise across the spectrum. Individually, each company offers best-in-class solutions. Together, they combine to leverage each other’s strengths and provide the widest imaging technology portfolio in the world. From aerospace through industrial inspection, scientific research, spectroscopy, radiography and radiotherapy, and advanced MEMS and semiconductor solutions, Teledyne offers worldwide customer support and the technical expertise to handle the toughest tasks. Their vision solutions are built to deliver to their customers a unique and competitive advantage.


Amazon Announces 71 New Renewable Energy Projects Globally, Including Firsts in Brazil, India, and Poland

Amazon now has 202 renewable energy projects in North America, 117 in Europe, 57 in Asia and the Pacific, one in the Middle East, one in Africa, and its first project in South America

The total renewable energy projects enabled by Amazon will generate 50,000 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of clean energy—or enough to power 4.6 million U.S. homes each year

SEATTLE, Sept 23 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) announced that it is expanding its renewable energy portfolio globally, with an additional 2.7 gigawatts (GW) of clean energy capacity across 71 new renewable energy projects. This includes the company’s first renewable energy project in South America—a solar farm in Brazil—and its first solar farms in India and Poland. Once fully operational, Amazon’s global renewable energy portfolio will generate 50,000 gigawatt hours (GWh) of clean energy, which is the equivalent amount of electricity needed to power 4.6 million U.S. homes each year.

“We are bringing new wind and solar projects online to power our offices, fulfillment centers, data centers, and stores, which collectively serve millions of customers globally, and we are on a path to reach 100% renewable energy across our entire business by 2025,” said Adam Selipsky, CEO of Amazon Web Services. “Around the world, countries are looking to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy, and continued investments like ours can help accelerate their journey as we all work together to mitigate the impacts of climate change.”

As the largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy globally, Amazon now has a total of 379 renewable energy projects across 21 countries, including 154 wind and solar farms and 225 rooftop solar projects, representing 18.5 GW of renewable energy capacity. By the end of 2021, the company had reached 85% renewable energy across its business.

Amazon continues to successfully enable projects in power grids around the world, including:

  • In the Asia-Pacific region, Amazon is announcing the company’s first three large-scale projects in India. All three are solar projects in Rajasthan, representing 420 megawatts (MW) of clean energy capacity. Amazon is scaling fast in India, and these first investments play a critical role in reducing our carbon emissions in the country. In the Asia-Pacific region, the company now has a total of 57 renewable energy projects.
  • In Europe, Amazon now has 117 renewable energy projects. Amazon is announcing its first rooftop solar projects in France and Austria, and its first solar farm in Poland. Amazon’s investment in its first utility-scale project in Poland is one of the largest corporate solar deals announced to date in the country. With this commitment, Amazon is directly contributing to the Polish government’s goal of increasing renewable energy on its grid. Corporate support of new renewable energy projects like Amazon’s helps open up the market for additional wind and solar farms, and accelerates the decarbonization of the grid.
  • In North America, Amazon is adding 1 GW of clean energy capacity across the Southeastern U.S., including the company’s first two renewable energy projects in Louisiana. The company now has a total of 202 projects across North America.
  • In South America, Amazon is announcing its first renewable energy project, which is a 122 MW solar farm in Brazil. In addition to providing renewable power to Amazon’s operations in the region, this project will also provide economic benefits to the local economy and the region’s biodiversity. The project includes a $380,000 (R$2 million) investment in environmental programs during construction to protect and promote biodiversity. The project is estimated to create 850 jobs during the construction phase, with an additional 30 permanent jobs once the project becomes operational.

To help scale the benefits of investments in the renewable energy sector as it continues to grow, Amazon is also working through the Clean Energy Buyers Institute’s (CEBI) Beyond the Megawatt initiative to ensure the industry is maximizing the economic, environmental, and social impact of energy procurement.

“As a key leader in the CEBA community, Amazon continues to demonstrate that when it commits to a vision, it drives a pace and scale that’s a new bar to follow,” said Miranda Ballentine, CEO of Clean Energy Buyers Association (CEBA) and Clean Energy Buyers Institute (CEBI). “Amazon also continues to be a leader in not only deploying today’s clean energy procurement tools at scale, but also in leading its community of peers and partners in developing tomorrow’s clean energy solutions—whether that’s focusing on ensuring renewables have sustainable supply chains or expanding the impact of clean energy through next generation procurement tools.”

“With its landmark solar projects announced in Poland and France, Amazon has taken crucial steps towards its net-zero pledge, while supporting Europe’s own climate goals,” said Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO of SolarPower Europe, founding partner of the RE-Source Platform. “As Europe faces skyrocketing energy prices, solar and renewable energy deals will strengthen Amazon’s strategic resilience—we hope to see more companies follow Amazon’s lead.”

Amazon co-founded The Climate Pledge in 2019, committing to reach net-zero carbon by 2040—10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement. The Pledge now has more than 375 signatories, including Best Buy, IBM, Microsoft, PepsiCo, Siemens, Unilever, Verizon, and Visa. Amazon has also ordered 100,000 electric delivery vehicles, the largest order ever of electric delivery vehicles, and has started to roll them out across the U.S. The company is also investing $2 billion in the development of decarbonizing services and solutions through The Climate Pledge Fund. For more information, visit https://sustainability.aboutamazon.com/.

About Amazon

Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company, Earth’s Best Employer, and Earth’s Safest Place to Work. Customer reviews, 1-Click shopping, personalized recommendations, Prime, Fulfillment by Amazon, AWS, Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle, Career Choice, Fire tablets, Fire TV, Amazon Echo, Alexa, Just Walk Out technology, Amazon Studios, and The Climate Pledge are some of the things pioneered by Amazon. For more information, visit amazon.com/about and follow @AmazonNews.

About Amazon Web Services

For over 15 years, Amazon Web Services has been the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud offering. AWS has been continually expanding its services to support virtually any cloud workload, and it now has more than 200 fully featured services for compute, storage, databases, networking, analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), mobile, security, hybrid, virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), media, and application development, deployment, and management from 87 Availability Zones within 27 geographic regions, with announced plans for 21 more Availability Zones and seven more AWS Regions in Australia, Canada, India, Israel, New Zealand, Spain, and Switzerland. Millions of customers—including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—trust AWS to power their infrastructure, become more agile, and lower costs. To learn more about AWS, visit aws.amazon.com.


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