都柏林,爱尔兰, May 22 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 近年来,确保可持续运营已成为航空业发展的主要驱动力。 尽管如此,这个变化莫测的行业面临着多重挑战,而这些挑战可能会成为航空公司努力提高盈利能力的掣肘。 虽然导致航空业困境的因素不一而足,但某些关键问题可作为罪魁祸首加以强调。


近年来,航空业经历了航空旅行需求的显著下降,导致许多航空公司面临财务亏损。 为了在此期间维持运营,航空公司债台高筑。 然而,这种债务的增加使得贷款机构面临的风险加剧,导致航空公司的市场利率越来越高。

除了疫情对行业的影响,燃油成本上涨和竞争加剧等其他因素也导致许多航空公司陷入财务困境。 这些因素使得杠杆率高的航空公司越来越难以盈利和偿还债务,从而引发市场对其商业模式可持续性的担忧。




因此,据业内消息人士称,保险公司正努力评估所涉及的风险水平,由此所带来的大范围潜在损失估计高达300亿美元。 该不确定性可能会推高航空公司的保费,从而影响整个行业。


欧盟261/2004条例规定,遭遇延误、取消、超额预订或拒载的乘客可获得赔偿。 根据具体情况和特定条件,受影响的乘客可能有资格获得每人250欧元至600欧元不等的赔偿。 新冠疫情之前,欧盟满足赔偿条件的航班延误率占所有航班的1.5%,平均每个延误航班的赔偿金额为375欧元。

2019年,欧盟航空公司共运送旅客11.2亿人次,其中有170万架次航班延误,合共造成63亿欧元赔偿。 目前只有10%的受影响乘客直接向航空公司或通过专业服务公司(如Skycop或Airhelp)提出投诉。

然而,由于在新冠疫情之后,航空业面临着运力短缺和其他挑战,该数字预计将大幅攀升。 因此,可索赔的延误航班数量占比可能会从1.5%增加到5%,这可能导致总计200亿欧元的赔偿。


根据我们的内部研究,目前,航空业运营着1397架配备LEAP-1A发动机的A320neo飞机,共计3080台发动机,平均每架飞机2.2台发动机;以及1043架配备LEAP-1B发动机的波音737 MAX飞机,共计2338台发动机,平均每架飞机2.2台发动机。 为了养护这些发动机,LEAP-1A和LEAP-1B发动机在全球分别拥有21处和22处检修及维护站点。

然而,2020-2021年有1.6万架(相当于机队总数的60%)飞机停飞,导致高达六成的LEAP发动机维护延期。 因此,现在43个站点均存在巨大的养护缺口,导致发动机维护等待时间长达9-10个月,这可能会扰乱航空公司的运营。


新冠疫情对航空航天工业产生了深远影响。 Boeing和Airbus等原始设备制造商(OEM)的生产和供应链均受到严重干扰。 为了应对全球经济放缓和航空旅行需求的减少,OEM已将生产水平较疫情前削减了近一半。 然而,这导致飞机运力短缺,阻碍行业的复苏进程。

减产影响到供应链中的5000多家供应商,他们均不得不在疫情期间减少产量。 受此影响,航空航天工业预计需要2.5-4年才能恢复到疫情前的生产水平。 这种长期中断可能会给行业及其利益相关者带来严重后果。


航空业对新飞行员有着持续需求,因为每年约有3%的飞行员退役。 然而,新冠疫情令所有的飞行员计划要么被推迟,要么被取消,从而对行业造成重大挫折。

因此,如今飞行员短缺问题严重,导致成本迅速增加。 据估计,航空业在10年内将面临30万名飞行员的短缺。 预计这种短缺将带来重大挑战,尤其是对飞行员预期缺口最大的印度。

新冠疫情后预订维护、修理和大修 (MRO)时段成难题,盖因原定维护安排被推迟

新冠疫情引起的另一大问题是全球飞机MRO服务需求大量积压。 航空旅行需求空前减少和许多飞机停飞导致定期维护被推迟或延期。

尽管如此,随着航空旅行需求开始恢复,并且航空公司也恢复全面运营,预订MRO时段以对飞机进行必要维护的挑战已经显现。 许多航空公司发现MRO设施已在满负荷运转,所以等待时间很长并可能造成航空公司运营中断。 这种维护需求的积压预计会持续一段时间,从而形成对航空业努力复苏的障碍。


由于需求多、空位少,使用V2500和RR发动机的航空公司在安排发动机维护时也面临困难。 尤其是对于拥有大量此类飞机的航空公司而言,这无疑形成了棘手的局面。

缺乏可用的维护时段已迫使航空公司停飞部分飞机,导致运营中断和收入损失。 除财务影响外,这种情况还带来安全问题,因为延迟维护会损害发动机的安全性和可靠性,并可能在未来导致更严重的问题。


2022年10月,国际民航组织(ICAO)第41届大会于蒙特利尔举行,这标志着航空业致力于可持续发展的一个重要里程碑。 大会致力于实现一个“长期远大目标”(LTAG),即到2050年实现二氧化碳净零排放,这使得环境、社会和治理(ESG)问题成为航空业可持续发展对话的焦点。

要实现雄心勃勃的LTAG颇具挑战,但它有可能鼓励航空公司加速开发和采用更环保的飞机燃料和其他技术改进,以实现脱碳飞行。 这需要在全行业思维模式、研发投资以及航空公司、制造商和政府之间的合作方面实现重大转变,才能达成这一长期目标。


在行业充满挑战的形势下,航空公司被迫筹措更多债务来为运营的各个方面(如备件、MRO服务和飞机租赁)提供资金。 然而,未偿债务的增加可能会对行业产生重大影响,一些航空公司可能难以偿还债务,从而不得不停飞部分飞机或减少航线,以最大限度地降低成本,这样就会导致运力下降。

内部数据显示,自2020年以来,行业的未偿债务已跃升逾20%,达到3000多亿美元。 为筹集资金,今年迄今为止,全球航空公司的债券和贷款合计已达630亿美元。  

Silvija Jakiene
Avia Solutions Group
+370 671 22697 



Ripple Takes On Crypto Custody Market With US$250 Mln Metaco Acquisition

KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 (Bernama) — Ripple, the leader in enterprise blockchain and crypto solutions, announced it has acquired Metaco, a Swiss-based provider of digital asset custody and tokenisation technology for US$250 million. (US$1=RM4.52)

According to a statement, with this acquisition, Ripple will expand its enterprise offerings, providing customers with the technology to custody, issue, and settle any type of tokenised asset.

Metaco will dramatically accelerate its growth trajectory through access to Ripple’s established base of hundreds of customers, capital to address new demand, and resources to continue delivering on its commitment to banking and institutional clients.

“Through the strength of our balance sheet and financial position, Ripple will continue pressing our advantage in the areas critical to crypto infrastructure. Bringing on Metaco is monumental for our growing product suite and expanding global footprint,” said Ripple Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Brad Garlinghouse.

Meanwhile, Metaco Founder and CEO, Adrien Treccani said, “This deal will enable Metaco to leverage Ripple’s scale and market strength to reach our goals and deliver value to our clients at a faster pace.”

Ripple will become the sole shareholder of Metaco, which will continue to operate as an independent brand and business unit led by Treccani.

Best known for its flagship payments products, Ripple was the first company to address the multi-trillion dollar pain points in cross-border payments utilising blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Currently, Ripple serves hundreds of customers in over 55 countries and six continents with payout capabilities in more than 70 markets.

On the other hand, Metaco offers secure and versatile mission-critical custody infrastructure for institutions to scale new business models in the crypto economy. Its primary offering Harmonize is the institutional standard for digital asset custody and tokenisation infrastructure, chosen by the world’s largest global custodians, top-tier banks, financial institutions and corporates.



KUALA LUMPUR, May 16 (Bernama) — EDGE, one of the world’s leading and fastest growing advanced technology and defence groups, will bolster its presence in Southeast Asia by participating at the 16th edition of Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) 2023 from May 23 to 27 in Langkawi, Malaysia.

In a statement, EDGE said it will showcase a diverse product portfolio that can be tailored to the region’s specific requirements in line with its ambition to expand its global footprint.

With a clear focus on autonomous systems and smart weapons, EDGE will highlight its technologically-advanced defence solutions throughout the five-day event.

It also enables EDGE to strengthen its partnerships within the local industry ecosystem, drive support for indigenous defence in important markets such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, and to showcase its broad range of capabilities.

“We are proud to be showcasing our advanced capabilities across air, land and maritime domains at LIMA 2023, as well as developing strategic relationships in Southeast Asia.

“The UAE and Malaysia share a warm history of cooperation, and we are committed to strengthening these ties even further by developing valuable partnerships across the region.

“LIMA provides us with a unique opportunity to grow local supply chains, and assist in the development of air and naval defence capabilities in Malaysia and beyond,” said EDGE Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mansour AlMulla.

During the exhibition, seven of EDGE’s portfolio companies will display innovative solutions that provide high levels of mission flexibility, exemplifying the company’s advanced designs and manufacturing capabilities in the area of autonomous air and land systems, naval systems, precision-guided munitions, as well as small arms.

Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, EDGE is established to develop agile, bold and disruptive solutions for defence and beyond, and to be a catalyst for change and transformation.



Now companies can give their teams the productivity and innovation of emerging generative AI – while reducing risk with built-in security and governance controls over the flow of data

SAN FRANCISCO, May 16 (Bernama-BUSINESS WIRE) — Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET), the security, performance, and reliability company helping to build a better Internet, today extended its single-vendor SASE platform, Cloudflare One, to generative artificial intelligence (AI) services. Cloudflare One for AI, a suite of Zero Trust security controls, will enable enterprises to safely and securely use the latest generative AI tools without putting intellectual property and customer data at risk.

With every transformative step forward in technology, from mobile phones to cloud computing, there are new security threats that rise to the surface. Major companies have banned the use of popular generative AI chat apps because of sensitive data leaks, and Italy instituted a temporary ban on generative AI tools for inadequate user data protections. According to a KPMG survey on generative AI, AI is expected to have an enormous impact on business, but the majority of US executives surveyed are years away from implementing it; cyber security (81%) and data privacy (78%) are the most top of mind concerns for leaders. CISOs and CIOs need to strike a balance between enabling transformative innovation through AI and still maintaining compliance with data privacy regulations. Whether it’s an employee experimenting with AI, or a company initiative, once proprietary data is exposed to AI, there is no way to reverse it.

“AI holds incredible promise, but without proper guardrails it can create significant risks for businesses. It is far too easy, by default, to upload sensitive internal or customer data to AI tools. Once the data is used for training AI, it is virtually impossible to get it out,” explained Matthew Prince, co-founder and CEO of Cloudflare. “If you were going to let a class of university students rummage around in your internal data, you’d of course put clear rules in place on what data they can access and how it can be used in their education. Cloudflare’s Zero Trust products are the first to provide the guard rails for AI tools, so businesses can take advantage of the opportunity AI unlocks while ensuring only the data you want to expose gets shared.”

Cloudflare One for AI provides a simple, fast, and secure way for companies to safely build using the latest generative AI technologies, without compromising security or performance. With Cloudflare One, companies can gain visibility into and measure AI tool usage, prevent data loss, and manage integrations:

  • Cloudflare Gateway helps companies observe how many employees are experimenting with AI services, and adds context when planning for budgets and enterprise licensing.
  • Service tokens give administrators a clear log of API requests, control over the specific services that can access AI training data, and the ability to revoke tokens with a single click when building ChatGPT plugins for internal and external use.
  • Cloudflare Tunnel provides an encrypted, outbound-only connection to Cloudflare’s network. Every request will be checked against the access rules configured for services protected by Cloudflare One or when teams are ready to allow an AI service to connect to their infrastructure.
  • Cloudflare’s Data Loss Prevention (DLP) service provides a safeguard to close the human gap in how employees may share data. Simple pre-configured options can check for data that looks like social security numbers or credit card numbers, and custom scans can look for patterns based on data configurations for a specific team. More granular rules can even allow select users to experiment with projects containing sensitive data, with stronger limitations on the majority of teams and employees.
  • Cloudflare’s cloud access security broker (CASB) service gives comprehensive visibility and control over SaaS apps. Soon, Cloudflare CASB will be able to scan the AI tools that your team uses to detect misconfiguration and misuse.

Generative AI is an exciting technology with the promise to transform how we work. As this technology evolves and new tools and plugins are developed, Cloudflare’s platform approach to security will ensure that enterprises everywhere can embrace these productivity enhancements without creating bottlenecks and ensure compliance with the latest regulations.

To learn more, please check out the resources below:

About Cloudflare

Cloudflare, Inc. (www.cloudflare.com / @cloudflare) is on a mission to help build a better Internet. Cloudflare’s suite of products protect and accelerate any Internet application online without adding hardware, installing software, or changing a line of code. Internet properties powered by Cloudflare have all web traffic routed through its intelligent global network, which gets smarter with every request. As a result, they see significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks. Cloudflare was awarded by Reuters Events for Global Responsible Business in 2020, named to Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies in 2021, and ranked among Newsweek’s Top 100 Most Loved Workplaces in 2022.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which statements involve substantial risks and uncertainties. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expect,” “explore,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “could,” “intend,” “target,” “project,” “contemplate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential,” or “continue,” or the negative of these words, or other similar terms or expressions that concern Cloudflare’s expectations, strategy, plans, or intentions. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements expressed or implied in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the capabilities and effectiveness of Cloudflare One for AIand Cloudflare’s other products and technology, the benefits to Cloudflare’s customers from using Cloudflare One for AI and Cloudflare’s other products and technology, the timing of when Cloudflare One for AI or any of its related features will be developed and available in beta form, or generally available, to all current and potential Cloudflare customers, Cloudflare’s technological development, future operations, growth, initiatives, or strategies, and comments made by Cloudflare’s CEOand others. Actual results could differ materially from those stated or implied in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including but not limited to, risks detailed in Cloudflare’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including Cloudflare’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on April 27, 2023, as well as other filings that Cloudflare may make from time to time with the SEC.

The forward-looking statements made in this press release relate only to events as of the date on which the statements are made. Cloudflare undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements made in this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release or to reflect new information or the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law. Cloudflare may not actually achieve the plans, intentions, or expectations disclosed in Cloudflare’s forward-looking statements, and you should not place undue reliance on Cloudflare’s forward-looking statements.

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KUALA LUMPUR, May 15 (Bernama) — Southeast Asia must continue to prioritise the integration of renewable energy and the addition of new natural gas infrastructure to achieve an affordable, resilient and sustainable energy future, according to Black & Veatch.

Further, the industry and governments in the region must continue to collaborate on enabling long-term conditions that facilitate the deployment of future technology solutions across hydrogen and ammonia, carbon capture, energy storage and bidirectional, cross-border grids.

Black & Veatch Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Asia-Pacific, Narsingh Chaudhary said a successful and equitable energy transition involved planning for and integrating multiple technologies to ensure that everyone has access to a stable and reasonably priced energy supply.

“Working in tandem with renewable energy, highly flexible and dispatchable generation, such as gas-fired power generation and small and mid-scale LNG project development, are essential to accomplishing these goals,” he added.

According to a statement, Black & Veatch, a global leader in critical infrastructure solutions will share its strategies for integrating renewable energy, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and hydrogen at this year’s Future Energy Asia.

Gas-fired power generation has the quick ramp-up and ramp-down capabilities needed to adapt to changing grid energy demands. Advanced gas turbines in a simple cycle configuration can supply over 400 MW to the grid in 10 minutes and are designed to reach full combined cycle load in 30 minutes to one hour.

New gas turbine technologies can operate at low loads of less than 25 per cent of their baseload capacity in some cases and ramp at 10 to 15 per cent of their full load capacity per minute.

Most modern turbine technology can co-fire emissions-free hydrogen, and by 2030, most original equipment manufacturers predict that new turbines will be 100 per cent hydrogen capable.

Black & Veatch’s survey before the ongoing energy crisis indicates that gas-fired power plants have a future as an investment class in Asia, with approximately half of the respondents believe there will be “more investment” in gas or LNG-to-power facilities combined with carbon capture, over the next five years.



罗里达州坦帕市, May 16 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 全球人才解决方案公司领头羊 WilsonHCG 欣然宣布,旗下两个品牌 Profile Search & Selection (Profile) 和 Personify 未来数周会完全整合入 WilsonHCG。

该公司此前分别在 2020 年和 2023 年完成了对 Profile 和 Personify 的收购。Profile 是一家猎头公司,办事处遍布亚洲。Personify 则提供招聘流程外包服务,专注于生命科学、医疗保健、生物技术和制药行业。

这是 WilsonHCG 前进的一大步,该公司致力于不断扩大其全球市场影响力,同时拓宽人才解决方案广度。

“我们期待步入整合的最后阶段,将 Profile 与 Personify 品牌引入 WilsonHCG。”WilsonHCG 首席执行官 John Wilson 如是说,“显然,我们优势互补,因而公司实力得到提升,并促成了我们的成功。为巩固市场地位,继续蓬勃发展,我们将进一步从外部整合品牌。”

合并后,Profile 与 Personify 的客户也将如愿享有同样高品质的人才解决方案。

“我们展望机遇,心潮澎湃。”Profile 联合创始人兼 WilsonHCG 现任执行副总裁、亚太区负责人 Andrew Oliver 这样说道,“我们专业领域的融合,会推动我们在亚太地区达到新的高度。”

Personify 创始人兼 WilsonHCG 现任交付部门高级副总裁 Ryan Carfley 补充道:“整合后,我们的客户能享有更为广泛的人才解决方案。能被写入 WilsonHCG 的这一章历史,能见证我们此后的成就,我心存感激。”

Personify 的整合将于 5 月 26 日前完成,Profile 则要待至下半年才能完成整合。Personify 人才挖掘部门的 Mackenzie Ryan 也将参与此次品牌整合。

如想了解更多信息,请访问 www.wilsonhcg.com

WilsonHCG 简介
WilsonHCG 是全球人才解决方案公司的领头羊,屡获殊荣。该公司以战略合作伙伴身份助力全球各大备受推崇的品牌构建全面人才职能。WilsonHCG 业务遍布全球六大洲 65 个以上的国家/地区,提供全套可配置服务,涵盖recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)、人才挖掘、人才派遣与人才咨询方面。

TALENT.™ 不仅仅是人才解决方案,也是我们的核心理念所在。


Kirsty Hewitt
+44 7889901517

Source: WilsonHCG



KUALA LUMPUR, May 15 (Bernama) — Trackinsight, the leading independent Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) database platform, has announced the release of its 4th Global ETF Survey 2023 in partnership with J.P. Morgan Asset Management and State Street.

In a statement, Trackinsight said the full report, which is available for free, detailed the key findings and ETF trends from over 500 professional investors who manage almost US$900 billion of assets through ETFs. (US$1=RM4.49)

The survey provides a comprehensive overview of the current usage of ETFs and insights into how the industry is expected to evolve in the coming years.

Trackinsight Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Philippe Malaise said this report offered an in-depth analysis of the ETF market, and the survey’s findings will provide investors with valuable insights into the industry’s trends and outlook.

Among the highlights drawn from the data found that investors’ interest in ETFs remains high, with 56 per cent of respondents planning to increase their exposure to Equity ETFs and 40 per cent to Fixed Income in the next two to three years.

Furthermore, ETFs have gained popularity among investors because they offer attractive features like low fees, easy diversification and accessibility. Tax efficiency also plays an important role in ETF popularity in the Americas.

Investors are ready for Active ETFs, especially in the Americas, where they also use these products for Fixed Income and Thematic investing, while interest is mainly on equity in Europe. Nearly 80 per cent of respondents in the Americas stated they would be more inclined to invest in an active strategy if packaged as an ETF rather than a mutual fund.

Also highlighted, thematic investing strategies are all the rage, with 40 per cent of respondents anticipating an increase in their allocation over the next few years, mainly for diversification and long-term strategies.

In addition to the full report, Trackinsight and its partners are delighted to offer additional content with thought leadership articles and weekly updated industry league tables, freely accessible from trackinsight.com, allowing everyone to shed light on the ETF market.



TOKYO, May 11, 2023 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ —

Nippon Express Italia S.p.A. (hereinafter “NX Italia”), a group company of NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, INC., has acquired IATA CEIV Pharma certification*, a quality certificate for pharmaceutical transport established by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), for its warehouse facility in Lainate, near Milan Malpensa Airport, effective April 3 of this year.
Logo: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/img/202305095498-O1-I17xe4r6
Photos of warehouse facility:


As one of Europe’s leading pharmaceutical industry centers, Italy is home to many major pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Milan boasts the Milano Innovation District (MIND), a science and technology park dedicated to pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing, and the Italian government has placed the district at the heart of its growth strategy for the pharmaceutical industry. Milan is also an important hub for the distribution of pharmaceuticals to the rest of Europe, and demand for high-quality pharmaceutical logistics services is on the rise.
The Nippon Express Group has positioned the pharmaceutical industry as a key industry in its “Nippon Express Group Business Plan 2023 — Dynamic Growth,” and is pursuing the global development of a safe and secure pharmaceutical logistics platform to meet the ever more sophisticated and diverse needs of pharmaceutical logistics.
NX Italia acquired Good Distribution Practice (GDP) certification in May 2021, evidencing its compliance with internationally recognized standards for the proper distribution of pharmaceuticals, and, with the acquisition of CEIV Pharma certification, will now be able to provide safer and higher-quality pharmaceutical transportation services using Milan Malpensa Airport as a hub while striving to deepen customer trust as pharmaceutical imports and exports grow.
The Nippon Express Group is committed to contributing to the health of people around the world by supporting its customers in the global pharmaceutical industry from a logistics perspective through the establishment of a reliable and safe global pharmaceutical logistics platform.
*About CEIV Pharma:
Nippon Express website: https://www.nipponexpress.com/
Nippon Express Group’s official LinkedIn account:




马来西亚吉隆坡, May 10 (Bernama-BUSINESS WIRE) —  Intuit QuickBooks今天公布开放QuickBooks Online Accountant (QBOA)供全球免费使用,有助提升170多个国家会计从业员将工作转至云端的速度,为客户和整个经济带来更多价值。





Intuit QuickBooks澳大利亚副总裁 Lars Leber表示:“马来西亚是一个具有成本竞争力的市场,在全球最适宜营商的国家中排名前203。马来西亚对企业主来说也是一个极具吸引力的市场,为该地区的会计专业人士创造了大量机会。QBOA的推出规模以及平台免费使用的便利将为马来西亚乃至全世界释放巨大的经济潜力。”


马来西亚HighPines的Chun How Cheah补充道:“在新加坡使用QuickBooks Online Accountant使我们看到了会计和全球商务的未来。它通过一个易于使用的平台帮助我们管理工作和客户,使我们提高了公司的效率和盈利能力。对于那些希望更快发展和扩大业务的人士而言,它是必备的会计软件。我们很高兴全球版QBOA的发布将为我们的公司在新的国家和地区带来效益。”

QuickBooks Online Accountant为全球专业会计师提供以下服务:

  • 登入即时看到过往客户及现有客户的资料;
  • 自动为资料进行分类,将需要手动输入资料的次数减至最低,减少人为错误;
  • 透过工作流程适时发放通知,把行常作业自动化;
  • 经整合的应用程式能提供综合报告、管理库存、支出、薪资单、电子商务等功能;
  • 应用人工智能预测应缴税款,协助自行评估申报。

公司透过Zoom教学,提供免费QuickBooks Online Accountant新手支援。亦为第一次使用QuickBooks的新客户和现有客户提供支援。

为祝贺QBOA全球上市,公司推出限时优惠,协助会计鼓励小微企业客户采用QuickBooks online,Intuit将推出一美元订阅优惠,仅限接下来的三个月期间。每个月每个文件只需一美元(或等值国家货币)。此优惠在所有国家都可享受,可进一步支持所有会计师的数字扩张。

如需获取进一步资讯或了解如何取得免费QuickBooks Online Accountant,请浏览此处。

Intuit在全球拥有超过一亿客户,是全球最大软件公司之一,旗下的Intuit QuickBooks目前是市场上第一家以此种规模为会计业服务的供应商。

– 完 –

Intuit是一个助力其服务对象及社群壮大业务的全球财务技术平台。全球各地有一亿以上的客户使用我们的TurboTaxCredit KarmaQuickBooksMailchimp等产品;我们深信任何人都应该有成功的机会。为了实现这个信念,我们从未停下开发崭新契机的脚步。请前往我们的官网了解Intuit的最新动向、产品及服务,并在社交媒体上追踪我们。
1 世界经济论坛白皮书《中小企业为未来做好准备:调动中小企业部门,推动普遍可持续发展和繁荣》(2021年11月30日发布):https://www.weforum.org/whitepapers/future-readiness-of-smes-mobilizing-the-sme-sector-to-drive-widespread-sustainability-and-prosperity
2 美国劳工统计局,1994-2022年:https://www.bls.gov/bdm/us_age_naics_00_table7.txt
4 特许公认会计师协会(ACCA)《为未来做准备:21世纪20年代的会计职业生涯》报告。链接:https://www.accaglobal.com/content/dam/ACCA_Global/professional-insights/FutureReady2020s/JamieLyon.FutureCareersAccoutancy2020s.summary.pdf
5 马来西亚会计师协会,2021年11月:https://mia.org.my/welcome-remarks-by-dr-nurmazilah-dato-mahzan-chief-executive-officer-malaysian-institute-of-accountants-at-leveraging-opportunities-for-accounting-graduates

在 businesswire.com 上查看源版本新闻稿: 


Anastasia Ivanova

Source : Intuit QuickBooks


GMAT™ FOCUS EDITION注册将于2023年8月开放


弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿, May 9 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 代表全球领先的商学院协会——管理专业研究生入学委员会(GMAC)今天宣布,Graduate Management Admission Test™(GMAT™)最新版本 GMAT™ Focus Edition 的注册将于2023年8月29日开始,并于今年第四季度开始考试。此外,GMAT Focus官方备考材料于2023年6月6日起可从 mba.com 获得,其中包括免费的六周学习规划,帮助考生根据时间表准备、为备考提供参考、跟踪进展,此外,还提供免费的GMAT Focus官方入门工具包,其中包括70道GMAT真题和两套完整的练习试题,以帮助考生建立成绩基准线。

今年早些时候, 经过对数百名学校专业人员进行广泛研究并对全球数千名学生进行深入的概念测试之后,GMAC 推出了 GMAT Focus Edition。GMAT是过去七十年来被最广泛使用的商学院入学考试,在经过重新设计之后,提升了考试体验并增加了灵活的新功能,以更好地支持商科教育。各学校将从中受益,因为它将成为学校整体招生过程中的一个改进因素。

GMAC首席执行官Joy Jones表示:“我们希望鼓励具有各种资质、本科背景和生活经验的人们了解其丰富的选项,并在他们的商学院旅程中实现飞跃。我们相信,GMAT Focus Edition将使考生更好地为商科研究生教育做好准备,同时帮助学校吸引合格且多元化的全球申请者。”

“这是该考试的一次重要变革,”耶鲁管理学院入学事务助理院长兼GMAC董事会成员 Bruce DelMonico表示。“就考试的相关性和有效性而言,这绝对是利于商学院和学生的积极举措。”


GMAT Focus Edition包括三个时间为45分钟的考试科目:定量推理(考察解决问题的能力);文本逻辑推理(考察关键推理和阅读理解,但不再包含句子改错题);新开发的数据洞察科目(衡量候选人的数据素养以及分析、解读数据并将其应用于现实商业场景的能力)。正因这些变化以及不再包含分析性写作(AWA),考试时间比目前的GMAT版本短近一个小时,因此所需要准备的内容更少。除了让考生能够尽可能多地标记试题、在各科目剩余时间内检查答题情况、每科目最多更改三个答案以及以任何顺序完成三个科目这些新功能之外,增强型官方成绩单现在还提供详细的成绩分析,帮助他们评估优势并确定重点领域,却无需额外费用

“我认为GMAT考试的重新设计证明了GMAC对持续改进的承诺。考试的变化反应了对特定能力以及未来的职业发展的重要性——例如新增加的数据洞察科目,”伦敦商学院招聘与招生执行主任Arnold Longboy表示


GMAT Focus Edition的总分范围为205至805,基于考生在所有三个科目的考试表现(每个科目分数范围为60至90)。这一变化是为了确保考生和学校能够轻松地将GMAT Focus Edition分数与目前可用的GMAT考试分数(200到800)区分开来。为了解考生的相对竞争力,可以使用 mba.com 上提供的索引表格,该表格通过百分位将两个考试版本之间的成绩分布联系起来。对于GMAT Focus Edition的新评分标准,在知道考试结果时,考生和学校的主要关注点应为百分位排名。

GMAC产品开发总监Manish Dharia表示:“在比较GMAT Focus Edition与GMAT当前版本的分数时,我们鼓励考生和学校比较百分位排名,而不是比较总分。因为总分评分标准分数评分标准分布情况都发生了变化,将当前考试版本的总分或科目分数与GMAT Focus Edition进行比较是不合适、不准确的,也不是对考试成绩有意义的比较。600和605的分数可能看起来相似,但它们所反映的是不同技能方面截然不同的表现水平。”


随着GMAT Focus Edition即将在2023年晚些时候推出,在明年年初以前,考生仍可继续使用当前版本的GMAT考试,以促进其正在进行的商学院备考和申请。为此,GMAT Focus Edition费用将与目前的GMAT考试费用相同。

GMAC高级副总裁兼市场开发负责人Ashish Bhardwaj表示:“请记住,所有GMAT考试分数(无论是当前GMAT还是GMAT Focus Edition)的有效期均为5年。随着新版本的提前宣布,我们鼓励考生以最适合其寻求管理专业研究生教育的方式注册和参加GMAT考试。”



每年有超过1200万潜在申请人依靠包括mba.com, gmat.com.cn在内的 GMAC 媒体矩阵,来了解MBA和商科硕士项目,与世界各地的院校联系,准备并注册考试,然后获得成功申请MBA和商科硕士项目的建议。BusinessBecause和The MBA Tour是GMAC的子公司。GMAC是一个全球性组织,在中国、印度、英国和美国设有办公室。

如需了解有关我们工作的更多内容,请访问 www.gmac.com


Teresa Hsu

Source: Graduate Management Admission Council
