
香港, April 15 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 万利集团(美国纳斯达克交易所代码:BANL),亚太地区领先的船舶燃油供应公司,今天公布将于2024年4月18日(星期四)提交截至 2023年12月31日的全年财务报告。




万利集团成立于 2015 年,以CBL国际有限公司(CBL International Limited)(纳斯达克: BANL)在纳斯达克股票市场上市。集团成立至今,一直致力于为船东客户提供一站式船舶燃油供应服务。目前,集团船舶燃油供应服务主要遍布日本、韩国、中国、香港、台湾、越南、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、土耳其和比利时,共覆盖超过55个港口。集团积极推动替代燃料,並已取得ISCC EU 和 ISCC Plus 认证。

CBL国际有限公司CBL International Limited


CBL国际有限公司(CBL International Limited

SOURCE: CBL International Limited


CURIUM 计划通过收购 ECZACIBAşI-MONROL 的协议大幅扩大镥-177 产能及 PET 业务范围

此项拟议的 Eczacıbaşı-Monrol 收购将:

  • 在现有的镥-177 合作伙伴关系基础上,创立领先的同位素制造商
  • 在 Curium 目前没有业务的地区为其现有网络增加 12 个 PET 站点
  • 为 Curium 增加 SPECT 生产能力和广泛的物流基础设施
  • 提高诊断和治疗方案的可靠性,从而造福患者

巴黎, April 12 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 全球领先的核医学企业 Curium 今日宣布,其已经与 Eczacıbaşı Holding 和 Bozlu Group 就收购核医学专业公司 Eczacıbaşı-Monrol Nuclear Product Co. (Monrol) 达成协议。预计此次收购将在地理覆盖范围、镥-177 产能以及 PET 和 SPECT 核医学基础设施方面实现高度互补,并促进用于诊断和治疗目的的尖端放射性核素和放射性药物管线的开发。

重要的是,此次收购将为 Curium 增加大量的镥-177 产能,以满足全球对镥-177 日益增长的需求,从而在未来五年内造福全球 10 万多名重症患者。这将扩大 Curium 在西欧和亚洲 34 个 PET 站点的覆盖范围,在东欧、中东及北非地区增加 12 个自有和合作站点。此外,Eczacıbaşı-Monrol 在土耳其伊斯坦布尔的生产和物流基础设施将显著增强 Curium 的垂直整合生产和分销能力。

Curium 国际市场首席执行官 Chaitanya Tatineni 先生如此评论:“我们非常高兴能就收购 Eczacıbaşı-Monrol 达成协议,这将巩固我们现有的稳固合作关系以及两家公司致力于改变全球患者生活的承诺。一旦交易完成,Eczacıbaşı-Monrol 与我们互补的 PET 网络、镥-177 产能、广泛的生产和物流基础设施以及作为全球分销中心的地位将为需要能改变他们的生活的的诊断和治疗方案的患者带来巨大的益处。”

Eczacıbaşı-Monrol 总经理 Aydin Kucuk 先生补充道:“在我们两年来现有的镥-177 合作关系的基础上,今天的声明只是我们两家公司之间合作自然发展的结果。我们对与 Curium 的全球业务、产品组合和治疗诊断学创新相结合能够为我们服务的数百万患者带来的益处感到兴奋。”

Eczacıbaşı Healthcare Group 首席执行官 Emin Fadıllıoğlu 先生补充道:“我为 Eczacıbaşı-Monrol 的团队在开发新技术平台、扩大 PET 网络、发展 SPECT 能力和服务患者方面所取得的成就感到无比自豪。Curium 和 Eczacıbaşı-Monrol 的合作将增强他们未来的雄心。”

这项交易能否完成取决于其是否满足惯例成交条件,包括是否能够获得监管部门的批准。Eczacıbaşı Holding 和 Curium 正全心致力于高效地完成这一过程,并希望在适当的时候完成交易。双方预计,一旦获得监管部门的常规批准,这项交易就能完成。

关于 Curium
Curium 是一家世界领先的核医学企业。我们开发、生产并销售世界一流的放射性药物产品,从而为全球患者提供帮助。我们将久经考验的传统与开创性的方法相结合,为患者们提供创新、卓越和无与伦比的服务。
Curium 的生产设施遍布欧美,每年为超过 1,400 万名患者提供 SPECT、PET 和治疗性放射性药物解决方案,用于治疗各种危及生命的疾病。公司名“Curium”是为了纪念放射性物质研究的先驱 Marie Curie 和 Pierre Curie,放射性元素锔就是以他们的名字命名的。如需了解更多信息,请访问www.curiumpharma.com

Ben Valdimarsson
Reputation Inc
Mob: +44 (0)788 9805930

Ross Bethell
电子邮件: communications@curiumpharma.com

关于 Eczacıbaşı-Monrol
Monrol 是一家核医学公司,总部位于伊斯坦布尔,在开发和制造 GMP 级放射性同位素和放射性药物方面始终引领创新。作为 CMO 和 CDMO,Monrol 为客户提供早期开发支持,并为灵活、精益的虚拟企业提供全面的集成服务,将新产品概念带入临床试验、概念验证和首次人体试验。Monrol 致力于通过向全球 70 多个国家分销放射性药物产品组合,从而改变并改善癌症患者的治疗过程。如需了解更多信息,请访问www.monrol.com



BIOGNOSYS 和 ALAMAR BIOSCIENCES 在蛋白质组学领域建立战略合作伙伴关系,联手推进生物制药和精准医学研究

  • 战略合作伙伴关系扩大了 Biognosys 的服务范围,将 Alamar NULISA 检测及基于生物流体的蛋白质组学联合科研纳入其中
  • Biognosys DIA-MS 无偏蛋白质组学平台和 Alamar 颠覆性免疫测定平台的互补价值,将在 AACR 2024 年会上进行展示

苏黎世,瑞士和弗里蒙特,加利福尼亚州, April 12 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Biognosys,一家基于质谱的蛋白质组学领域的全球领导者,与 Alamar Biosciences,一家致力于推动精准蛋白质组学研究以实现疾病最早期检测的公司,欣然宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,旨在推进生物流体蛋白质组学生物标志物领域的科学发现。 此次合作汇集了 Biognosys 通过数据独立采集质谱 (DIA-MS) 进行无偏发现的专业知识,以及 Alamar 的前沿免疫测定法。 该综合方法将深入的无偏 DIA-MS 发现蛋白质组学与高特异性、超高灵敏中高重 NULISA 检测相结合,用于检测血浆中的低丰度蛋白质,如细胞因子、趋化因子和重要疾病蛋白质生物标志物,从而增强我们对生物标志物的了解。

在美国癌症研究学会 (AACR) 2024 年会上,Alamar 主办的行业聚光灯剧场会议将于太平洋时间 4 月 9 日 12:30 pm 在圣迭戈举行。届时两家公司将共同展示一项聚焦非小细胞肺癌 (NSCLC) 的合作研究数据。 此项研究运用 Biognosys TrueDiscovery® 无偏发现平台 Alamar NULISAseq™ Inflammation Panel 250,对一组 NSCLC 患者的血浆样本进行了分析。 研究结果证明了综合分析的可行性,并突出了质谱和基于亲和力的检测在血浆分析中的互补性见解。

基于这项成功的概念验证研究,Biognosys 和 Alamar 计划在商业和科学方面加深合作,并将之作为其战略合作伙伴关系的一部分。

  1. NULISA 检测服务:Biognosys 将利用其位于瑞士的先进设备提供 NULISA 检测服务,从血浆和生物流体中检测以往难以检测的细胞因子、趋化因子以及其他重要的疾病特异性标志物。 这些超高灵敏检测能够精确量化低丰度蛋白质,为研究人员提供了复杂生物过程的宝贵洞察。 数千种血浆蛋白的无偏 DIA-MS 分析得以补充,阐明了系统宿主反应,以及其他炎症或疾病相关的蛋白质折叠变化。
  2. 研究合作:Biognosys 和 Alamar 将启动一项联合研究计划,以探索血浆生物学。 依托于 Biognosys 的无偏发现方法和 Alamar 的超高灵敏检测,团队力图通过提供更完整的血浆蛋白组图像来揭示生物疾病机制,从而首次实现对血浆中蛋白质丰度动态范围的基本完整覆盖。

Biognosys 公司创始人兼首席执行官 Oliver Rinner 博士对双方合作充满了热情:“我们很高兴能与 Alamar 联手推进蛋白质组学研究。 我们的共同努力将为血浆生物学的突破铺平道路,通过高特异性 NULISA 检测,对超 5000 种蛋白质以及数百种特征明显的细胞因子和其他高价值低丰度蛋白质进行无偏分析。 借此方法,我们的目标在于覆盖血浆蛋白的整个动态范围。”

Alamar 董事长、创始人兼首席执行官 Yuling Luo 博士说,“我们很高兴能与 Biognosys 合作,为研究界增加从发现到临床研究的蛋白质组学洞察机会。 “Biognosys 是向全球研究人员提供先进质谱蛋白质组学服务的领先供应商,我们期待将最高灵敏度的高多重免疫测定法加入到他们的血浆蛋白组学产品中。”



关于 Biognosys

在 Biognosys,我们相信深刻的蛋白质组洞察是突破性发现的关键,而突破性发现可以改变科学,改善生活。 凭借下一代蛋白质组学解决方案的多功能产品组合,包括 TrueDiscovery®、TrueTarget® 和 TrueSignature® 研究服务平台、旗舰软件 Spectronaut® 和 PQ500™ 试剂盒,我们使蛋白质组具有可操作性,从而赋能研究、药物开发和临床决策。 我们的解决方案提供了一个多维视角,涵盖所有生物物种和样本类型中的蛋白质表达、功能和结构。 我们独特的专利技术利用高分辨率质谱来量化数千种蛋白质,具有业界领先的精度、深度和通量。 通过与 Bruker(纳斯达克股票代码:BRKR)的战略合作伙伴关系,我们在全球范围内开展蛋白质组学研究。 如需了解更多信息,请访问 biognosys.com

关于 Alamar

Alamar Biosciences 是一家私营生命科学公司,其使命是推动精准蛋白质组学的发展,以实现疾病最早期诊断。 公司专有的 NULISA 平台和 ARGO™HT 系统与最新的基因组学进展无缝结合,实现了个位数阿摩尔级的检测灵敏度,远超目前市场上最灵敏的蛋白质检测技术。 如需了解更多信息,请访问 alamarbio.com
英文版本为官方授权版本。 提供的译文旨在促进更好地理解,应与原文对照阅读。原文是唯一具有法律效力的文本。





Biognosys AG

Yves Serroen
电话:+41 (0) 44 244 50 07

Alamar Biosciences, Inc


April Falcone
电话:+1 (510) 838-1783


SOURCE: Biognosys AG



KUALA LUMPUR, April 12 (Bernama) — Global credit rating agency, AM Best has affirmed the financial strength rating of B+ (Good) and the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of “bbb-” (Good) of Hong Kong’s Tugu Insurance Company Limited (TIC).

In a statement, AM Best said these credit ratings (ratings) which have a stable outlook reflected TIC’s balance sheet strength, which was assessed as strong, as well as its marginal operating performance, limited business profile and marginal enterprise risk management (ERM).

TIC’s risk-adjusted capitalisation, as measured by Best’s Capital Adequacy Ratio, is assessed at the strongest level and expected to remain so over the short to intermediate term.

Offsetting balance sheet strength factors include the volatility in the absolute capital and surplus size due to underwriting volatility, concentration risk in investment properties, and fair value movements of these properties.

The company’s marginal operating performance is demonstrated by its volatile bottom line, contributed both from underwriting and investment experience; nonetheless, its operating expense ratio remains high with a limited premium base.

Despite stable rental income from its investment properties and interest and dividend income arising from its liquid assets, TIC experienced investment losses in 2022 and 2023 due to a decline in the fair value of investment properties. The company’s overall profitability is expected to remain modest over the intermediate term.

TIC’s ultimate parent company is PT Pertamina (Persero), a state-owned integrated oil and gas company in Indonesia. While TIC obtains a substantial portion of its top line from its parent, it also has expanded other revenue sources actively for more diversification, including overseas business and domestic business in Hong Kong, over the past few years.

The rating agency also assesses TIC’s ERM as marginal with key areas of concern include underwriting, investment concentration, strategic planning and reserving capability.

To address these concerns, the company has taken remediation actions including developing its risk management framework with refined risk appetite and risk policies, and performing relevant stress and scenario testing to ensure compliance with the latest regulatory requirements and internal concerns.



KUALA LUMPUR, April 12 (Bernama) — The Asian Productivity Organization (APO), an intergovernmental organisation comprising 21 member economies, unveils its recipients of the 2024 APO Regional and Meritorious and Distinguished Awards.

In commemoration of the APO’s 60th anniversary in 2021, several enhancements have been made to the award schemes to reflect the evolving landscape of productivity and innovation, according to a statement.

This year, the APO confers two Regional Awardees, recognised for their outstanding contributions that extend beyond national borders, and impacting the Asia Pacific region.

The recipients are China Productivity Center President, Dr. Pao-Cheng Chang; and Larsen & Toubro Limited Chairman Emeritus, Anilkumar Manibhai Naik.

In addition, five Meritorious and Distinguished Award recipients were conferred for their inspiring and exemplary achievements and contributions leading to centrality of productivity.

The awardees are Government of Lao PDR Deputy Minister, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Dr. Bountheung Douangsavanh; Mydin Mohamed Holdings Berhad Managing Director, Datuk Wira Dr. Haji Ameer Ali Mydin; Mongolian Productivity Organization Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Yamaaranz Erkhembayar; Government of Pakistan Federal Minister of Planning, Development and Reforms, Prof. Ahsan Iqbal; and Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology Acting Director General, Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, Dr. Ha Minh Hiep.

The awards will be presented during the 66th Session of the APO Governing Body in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from May 28 to 30, as well as the designated occasions by the APO Directors of respective countries of awardees.

The APO is dedicated to leveraging the knowledge and experience of these awardees to inspire and steer future productivity initiatives, thereby foster learning, innovation, and collaboration among APO members.

Since its inception in 1978, the APO Awards have celebrated the achievements of productivity champions who have significantly contributed to productivity improvement across the Asia Pacific.



KUALA LUMPUR, April 9 (Bernama) — ASICS Global State of Mind Study uncovers a direct link between teenage physical activity and adult mental wellbeing, reaffirming the connection between movement and the mind.

In a statement, its Managing Executive Officer, Tomoko Koda said: “The results of our second global State of Mind Study show how important it is that young people stay active and the impact this can have on their minds for years to come.”

The study of over 26,000 respondents across 22 countries found that the more people exercise, the higher their State of Mind scores, which is formulated based on the accumulative mean scores across 10 cognitive and emotional traits namely, positive, content, relaxed, focused, composed, resilient, confident, alert, calm, and energised.

Across the globe, respondents who are regularly active with 150 minutes or more of physical activity per week, have an average State of Mind score of 67 out of 100, while inactive people with less than 30 minutes of exercise per week have a much lower State of Mind score of just 54 out of 100.

Participants who engaged in exercise throughout their adolescence report higher activity levels and State of Mind scores as adults, indicating that remaining active as a teenager is key to establishing good exercise habits that last into adulthood and positively impact adult mental wellbeing.

In fact, the study was able to pinpoint each additional year a teenager remains engaged in exercise is associated with improved State of Mind scores in adulthood, with the ages between 15 to 17 identified as the most critical years for staying active and when dropping out of exercise significantly affects the mental state for years to come.

Those who regularly exercise are found to be more likely to remain active later in life and report higher State of Mind scores as adults (64 out of 100 vs 61 out of 100) than those who were not active during these years.

In comparison, respondents who dropped out of exercise before the age of 15 displayed the lowest activity levels and lowest State of Mind scores in adulthood, scoring 15 per cent lower than the global average, while a decline in physical activity at ages 16 to 17 and before the age of 22 reduced their average scores by 13 per cent and six per cent respectively.

Worryingly, the study also uncovered an exercise generation gap, with younger generations being increasingly less active with 57 per cent of the Silent Generation (age over 78) said they were active daily in their childhoods compared to just 19 per cent of Gen Z (ages 18 to 27).

This shows a concerning trend of younger generations disengaging from exercise earlier and in larger numbers, potentially impacting their mental wellbeing now and for years to come. Globally, Gen Z has the lowest State of Mind scores with an average of 62 out 100 compared to the Baby Boomers’ 68 out 100 and the Silent Generation’s 70 out 100.



KUALA LUMPUR, April 9 (Bernama) — AI-Media, the global leader in AI-powered captioning, is set to unveil two new products LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery) and LEXI Recorded, at the prestigious NAB Show 2024, scheduled from April 14 to 17 in Las Vegas, United States.

In a statement, AI-Media, renowned for its cutting-edge innovations serving the broadcast industry, said its latest offerings are poised to revolutionise the captioning market.

The highlight of AI-Media’s presentation at the event will be the new LEXI DR product, a groundbreaking solution that ensures uninterrupted captioning delivery even in the face of cloud and connectivity disruptions.

With seamless caption workflow integration, on-premises redundant servers and flexible setup options, this solution offers 99.99 per cent caption uptime, scalability with up to 10 instances available per LEXI DR unit plus the confidence that data is secure with robust encryption and security measures.

The product exemplifies AI-Media’s commitment to providing reliable, resilient, and secure captioning solutions for the broadcast industry.

AI-Media will also introduce LEXI Recorded, designed to streamline the captioning process for recorded content. The solution offers unprecedented turnaround speed and cost efficiencies, boasting features such as bulk processing, accuracy above 98 per cent, flexible file output types, and multilingual options.

It can be integrated into the caption workflow, ensuring fast, cost-effective captioning of broadcasters’ recorded content with unmatched precision and ease.

In addition to the product launches, AI-Media will feature an “Innovation Station” at its NAB booth, where attendees can explore exciting new technologies that are part of the company’s product roadmaps.

Previews will showcase advancements in generative AI and its application in crafting topic models, also referred to as custom dictionaries. Additionally, previews will feature innovations such as speaking subtitles or dubbing, as well as automated audio description.

AI-Media is able to leverage decades of broadcast experience to ensure its captioning solutions are interoperable across different workflows, video standards and regions, and the company remains committed to driving progress and shaping the future of accessible media worldwide.



KUALA LUMPUR, April 9 (Bernama) — Anaqua, an innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology provider, has enhanced its powerful patent search platform, AcclaimIP, setting a new standard in patent search capabilities.

According to Anaqua in a statement, with a focus on empowering patent searchers with unparalleled control and assistance, AcclaimIP Patent Search offers access to a vast global patent database comprising over 100 million patents worldwide.

Its Chief Executive Officer, Bob Romeo said AcclaimIP is a powerful patent search platform that represents its commitment to innovation and excellence in the IP industry.

“By internally developing AI-powered tools that leverage market-leading solutions, we strengthen our position as the leader in IP management solutions, providing fully integrated solutions that empower IP professionals to succeed,” he said.

Designed to cater to the diverse needs of IP professionals, AcclaimIP Patent Search boasts a user-friendly interface that enhances the search experience, facilitating efficient exploration of results and swift discovery of relevant information.

AcclaimIP ensures a seamless and comprehensive search process, regardless of the user’s preference to create their own queries or leverage powerful interfaces for assistance.

One of the most significant features of AcclaimIP Patent Search is its cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) Patent Summaries tool. Harnessing the power of generative AI, this innovative tool delivers consistent and optimised summaries of patents, enabling patent searchers to better understand search results and interpret patent implications.

By leveraging large language models guided by tailored prompts, AcclaimIP’s AI Patent Summaries tool promises substantial time savings and mitigates the risk of overlooking critical intelligence.



KUALA LUMPUR, April 8 (Bernama) — Global credit rating agency, AM Best has affirmed the Hong Kong’s CMB Wing Lung Insurance Company Limited (CMBWLI) financial strength rating of A (Excellent) and the long-term issuer credit rating of “a” (Excellent).

In a statement, AM Best said these credit ratings (ratings) which have a stable outlook reflected CMBWLI’s balance sheet strength, which was assessed as very strong, as well as its strong operating performance, neutral business profile and appropriate enterprise risk management.

CMBWLI’s very strong balance sheet strength assessment is underpinned by its robust risk-adjusted capitalisation, as measured by Best’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR).

The company’s capital base continued to grow organically in 2022, supported by its positive operating results and profit retention, partially offset by a one-off dividend in specie to CMB Wing Lung Bank in 2022. During 2022 and 2023, cash and cash equivalents remained as CMBWLI’s largest asset type.

Additionally, the insurer continues to enhance the credit quality of its bond investments, which remains as its largest investment asset type other than cash, as well as the de-risking of its equity portfolio during 2023.

The company’s overall operating performance has been consistently strong and better than average, as evidenced by annualised returns on equity of eight per cent and nine per cent respectively, in 2022 and 2023.

Net earnings continued to be supported by decent growth in premium volume and profitable underwriting results. CMBWLI’s investment performance continues to be supported by a stream of interest and dividend incomes during 2022 and 2023.

A medium-size, non-life insurer in Hong Kong, and one of the major market players in its domestic market’s employees’ compensation (EC) segment, CMBWLI ’s product mix remained diversified in 2023, with EC, motor and property damage making up the bulk of its business.

CMBWLI has continued to strengthen its risk management over the last few years, including investment risk controls, risk identification and monitoring tools, as well as risk governance.



KUALA LUMPUR, March 27 (Bernama) — NetSfere has announced that KPJ Pasir Gudang Specialist Hospital (KPJ PGSH), one of the leading private healthcare providers in Malaysia, deployed the secure enterprise messaging platform to empower healthcare staff with secure and intuitive communications.

Netsfere has been implemented to align with KPJ PGSH’s mission of ensuring safety and professionalism, according to the company in a statement.

As part of tackling cybersecurity threats and keeping patient and hospital data secure and private, KPJ PGSH management equipped its staff with NetSfere.

With its world-class execution, NetSfere allows caregivers to discuss, share and collaborate seamlessly in a completely secure environment governed by the policies set by the hospital’s management.

NetSfere Enterprise allows the information technology team to set up the policies for messaging making sure information can remain private and under the organisation’s control.

“Permitting caregivers to discuss information swiftly and avoid potential data breaches is what healthcare systems need during this technological era so they can improve patient care.

“NetSfere provides healthcare systems with a convenient and frictionless way to share ideas, files and data without compromising productivity, security or compliance,” said NetSfere Senior Vice President of Asia Pacific and Middle East, Chee Leng Loy.

Meanwhile, KPJ PGSH Chief Executive Officer, Khairul Hasanain Abdul Hamid said NetSfere’s end-to-end encrypted platform helps its healthcare staff protect against third-party organisations from accessing patient or hospital data.

KPJ PGSH is the 23rd hospital under the flagship of KPJ Healthcare Berhad group and was established to cater to the medical needs primarily of Pasir Gudang and its neighbourhood regions of Johor.

A global provider of next-generation secure and compliant messaging and mobility solutions, NetSfere provides industry-leading security and message delivery capabilities, including global cloud-based service availability, device-to-device encryption, location-based features, and administrative controls.